martes, 17 de febrero de 2009

Spice Up Your Salad and Salad Etiquette

I'm still loosing weight YEAHHHHH! I usually eat what I want but just not as much. I continue to count points according to the Weight Watchers plan. There are so many products that are geared to this plan that it is alot easier than it use to be! You just need to educate yourself alittle and it isn't that hard.
Today I am going to give you some tips about Salads that I have learned over the years from cookbooks and other people.
these Herbs Add zest to these kinds of Salads:
Basil- tomato and green salads
Caraway - Coleslaw; beet and potato salads
Chives - Potato, cucumber, mixed veg. and green salads
Dillseed - Coleslaw: potato and cucumber salads
Marjoram - French dressing; mixed green and chicken salad
Mint- Fruit, cabbage and celery salads
Mustard - Potato salad; French and oil/vinegar dressings
Oregano- Potato, mixed green and seafood salads
Parsley- Greens, vegetables, shellfish salads
Rosemary- French dressings or mayonnaise for chicken or potato salads
Savory- Mixed green, green vegetalbes, potato and tomato salads
Tarragon- Chicken, seafood, vegetable and mixed green salads; oil vinegar dress
Thyme- Tomato and beet salads; mayonnaise and herb dressings
American Cheddar- Tossed and main dish salads
Bleu- Tossed salads, dressings
Brick- Salads, appetizers
Camembert- Fruit salads, appetizer spreads
Cottage- Fruit and vegetable salads
Cream- Fruit, veg salads, dressings, appetizer spreads
Gorgonzola- Salad dressings
Gouba- Appetizers
Muenster- Raw Veg. appetizers
Provolone- Appetizers
Ricoota- Any salads and appetizers
Roquefort- Dressings
Swiss- Fruit, veg. and main dish salads
Allspice- Fruit salads;
Ginger- Pear salads, chicken salad
Mace- Whipped cream dressings for fruit salads
Paprika- French dressings, garnish for green salads
Cayenne Pepper- Salad dressings; meat, fish and veg. Salads

1. Light salad with hearty meal.
2. Tart Salad with fish.
3. Hearty or hot salad for main course.
4. Fruit salad as appetizer, dessert, or meat accompaniment

Here are a few SALAD ETIQUETTE Q. & A.

Q. where would I place individual salads?
A. first course salads should be in the center of each place, for formal serving on a large plate. main course salads should be placed at left of dinner plate. If the table is crowded, place directly above forks. In this case the bread and butter plate should be omitted.

Q. Is it proper to have salad on the table at the beginning of the meal?
A. Yes. Place your salad just before seating your guests

Q. How should I serve a platter of salad or a bowl of mixed grens?
A. It may be passed provided it is easy to handle and servings can be easily removed. it is permissible for the hostess to serve individual salad plates and pass them around.

Q. Sould dressing always be passed?
A. pass your dressing if none has already been added to the salad.

Q. Is a salad fork always necessary?
A. A dinner salad may be eaten with the same fork as the main course.

Q. Where does the salad fork appear in the table setting?
A This depends on when the salad is to be served during the meal. For the first course, the fork is at the extreme left. if with the main course or following it, the fork is inside the dinner fork just at the left of the dinner plate.

Of course if you don't care about etiqette! You just grab a fork and dig in to those healthy salads! :)
Until next time Have a Happy Healthy life and may God Bless all who read this!

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