sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011

Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

I recently was reading "the Contributor" newspaper. and there was an article on Where Did You Sleep Last Night? Think about this question when you see someone standing on the street with a bag of belongings.  The Contributor is a newspaper that the homeless sell around town.  They buy the papers for 25 cents and sell it for $1.00. There are guidelines for those who sell and they are trained well. This gives them self esteem and a purpose knowing that they are working. They stand on the corners all day selling these papers. They are never pushy sales people just a friendly smiling person trying to make it in this world.   These are such interesting papers! There are all kinds of human interest stories written about and by the homeless across the country.  Many of these people sleep on the streets because they just can't afford rooms. Homeless shelters are just not enough. Due to the high unemployment rates many people that thought they would never be homeless are now facing this way of life. Take a few minutes to buy a paper.  I keep zip lock bags of hard candy, cough drops, band aids, travel size shampoo,lotion,toothbrush, lip balm, even stocking caps,socks and gloves. WalMart has hats and glove for $1.20 each.  I give these workers one whenever I see them working so hard for very little. I also bought up a bunch of McDonalds gift certificates giving it to them and tell them to have a meal on me. This means so much to someone who may not have eaten that day.  $5.00 will by them a good meal at McDonald"s. I think if we all bought one less present  or made one less dessert for Christmas and did this with the money the world would be a better place.I challenge all who read this to do something like this(with a smile)to help the less fortunate. They are really trying to make a better life for themselves!
It is truly better to give than to receive! Try it You'll see what I mean!!

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