viernes, 23 de marzo de 2007

Minerals in Dead Sea Salt and their Benefits

Sulfur is necessary for the secretion of bile from the liver and for converting toxins into non-toxins.Chlorine is necessary to maintain the correct balance of alkaline and acid in the body, together with being vital for cell metabolismIodine is necessary for the production of the hormone thyroxin, and is also vital for both energy and cell metabolismPotassium is necessary to maintain the water balance in order for cell metabolism to take place, assisting the cells to absorb nourishment and expel waste products. An imbalance in potassium often leads to water retention. Potassium also plays a vital role in regulating muscle contractions and the nervous system.Sodium like potassium plays s a vital role in assisting the cells to absorb nourishment and expel waste.Calcium is necessary in strengthening cell membranes and cleansing the pores. In addition it is vital for production and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones, together with regulating the heart muscles and nerves.Magnesium is necessary in assisting the body to utilize other essential nutrients and in cell metabolism.Bromine helps with the natural repair of the body together with cell metabolism and can be used as a natural antibiotic.The list of conditions or problems benefiting from use of Dead Sea Salt includes:
Skin:The skin is the largest organ of the human body, forming a protective covering from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays, pollution, weather extremes of seasonal changes. In addition the skin enables the body to store or hold in its body fluids and provides the elasticity required for every movement we perform. If that is not enough, the skin enables us to communicate with the outside world through the vital sense of touch. Since this vital organ carries out so many important functions we need to respect it by providing good cleansing, replenishing fluids and electrolytes and avoiding harmful environments or reducing the harmful effects.

Skin problems:Skin problems are a common aspect of the aging process throughout the spectrum of human development. Certain skin problems affect people at different stages of development and for each it is important to support and nurture the skin in order to restore health and enhance general function.Skin disorders e.g. Acne, dermatitis, blackheads, psoriasis, eczema, dandruff, scabies, scaled head, seborrhea, vitilago; Rheumatological conditions e.g. alkalosis, arthritis (cysteine patients with arthritis), rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, back pain, bursitis, neuralgia, fibrosis, osteoarthritis, polyarthritis, spondylosis, and tendonitis, as well as hair falling and balding, breast firming, constipation, diarrhea, dyspnea, insomnia and fatigue, impotence, intestinal parasites, stress, sciatica, sluggishness, tinea, worms.

Acne:Acne is a skin condition comprising of inflammation due to excess oil or sebum produced by the glands together with dead skin pores. These two in combination, clog the pores resulting in inflammation, which may become purulent whiteheads or blackheads due to bacteria in the area. If the inflamed or clogged pore runs deep into the skin, this area may form a cyst. The cyst typically is only painful or colored when it becomes infected. As you can see from the above description there are many causes of acne, falling into four categories, namely: bacteria, hereditary, hormonal or dogged pores. The sebaceous glands secrete oil naturally in response to an increase of testosterone in both men and women at puberty.
Acne typically affects 80-90 % of adolescents of sexes, boys more than girls. Acne can develop later in adult years. Acne usually affects the face, chest back and sometimes-upper arm. Acne can also be found in infants due to the activation of sebaceous glands in utero. Acne can be a chronic problem or resolve spontaneously after 4-5 years as noted in 70% of acne sufferers. The incidence of Acne at age 40 years is about 1% for men and 5% for women.
Acne is not caused by dirt, a diet with too much sugar or caffeine although these can aggravate it. Other factors that can affect acne include over exposure to certain weathers, stress, hormonal changes, oily skin, endocrine conditions, certain tumors and response to certain medications or drugs.
Acne Treatment:Since acne is often hereditary it can not be prevented, but good skin toileting or cleansing can improve the condition by reducing further lesions. Certain medicinal ointments, cleansers are recommended when the condition becomes uncomfortable or unsightly. These include sulfur amongst other chemicals. Since BOKEK Dead Sea Salts have a high sulfur content they are useful in the cleansing required to purify the skin of acne sufferers.Antibiotics and hormonal or steroid medications are prescribed in severe cases. However other management is always advisable first as these medications all have negative side effects.Acne can have adverse psychological effects, as ones body image is greatly determined during puberty and adolescence. To assist in developing a sense of control, self-esteem and good body scheme, it is possible to assist the body to restore healthy balance with balanced diet, exercise, plenty of water, rest and a balanced diet as all these assist in enabling the body to remove toxins and restore natural health necessary to enhance spontaneous recovery from this condition.

Cellulite:Cellulite is experienced by 90% of all women over the age of 20 years. Lumpy deposits of fat below the skin on the thighs, hips and buttocks of women cause it. Since the fat becomes trapped in compartments of the tissue where there is poor circulation, cellulite is a condition is difficult to eliminate. The appearance of cellulite is typically described as dimpled, cottage cheese – like appearance.
Although exercise is recommended to improve muscle tone and circulation to the area, and diet to remove toxins and provide the necessary nutrients, these do not cure cellulite. In addition, the Dead Sea Salt can assist in detoxifying, improving circulation and suppleness of the skin while the bath salts can assist in the general cleansing of the skin, necessary to remove the impurities that are otherwise trapped within the tissue.

Aging and skin problems:Up to 20% people over 70 years experiencing three to five skin problems that would require medical attention. Some may be caused by chronic illness e.g. diabetes, where poor healing and reduced sensation can adversely affect the condition of the skin, especially in the legs and feet. Diseases affecting or involving blood circulation also affect the skin. Certain medications prescribed for maintenance of chronic conditions e.g. cortisone also affects the skin leading to thinning and dryness of the skin. Maintaining healthy skin involves: regular exercise, maintain a trim frame, healthy diet with a low fat and sugar content, balanced lifestyle and avoiding exposure to the sun.

Dry skin:Dry skin is a common aspect of the aging process and is seen in most people over the age of 70 years. As skin ages, the physiological changes leading to dryness result in itching and flaking, especially when the weather is cold and dry. This is due both to a decrease in secretions from the oil glands and a reduction in the skin barrier leading to quicker skin irritation.Other than aging, a severely dry skin can indicate various condition e.g. psoriasis, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, or an overactive thyroid gland, allergic reaction. Itching can also indicate a reaction to a number of medication or drugs, including anticancer drugs.
As one ages, our skin also becomes more susceptible to irritation from contact with various materials, a condition known as contact dermatitis. This could indicate an allergy has developed to any substance including: wool or lanolin, the oil in wool, soap, detergent, or bleach used in the wash.
Prevention of Contact Dermatitis includes: wearing loose fitting clothing; changing your laundry detergent; washing new clothes before wearing them.
Regular soaking with Dead Sea bath salts and then applying a moisturizer recommended by your doctor can also alleviate uncomfortable symptoms. This is due to the high mineral content in the Dead Sea Salt, which helps both in cleansing and replacing required electrolytes necessary for healthy skin.

Wrinkling:Wrinkling is the result of a number of factors: accumulated exposure to the sun, heredity, and a weakening of elastin and collagen, which is part of the aging process. Elastin is responsible for the skin’s flexibility. The protein fibers known as collagen provide physical support for the skin. (Loss of collagen is more common in women than in men. The skins natural fatty layer also reduces with age, causing the skin to sink inward. Added to all these factors is the constant pull of gravity, which increases the sagging of the skin.
Research into the benefits of minerals from the Dead Sea Salt has shown a 40% reduction in the depth of the wrinkling.

Skin Allergies:A range of factors, including, age, stress, illness, chemicals and others, causes allergies on the skin. The high magnesium and bromine content in the Dead Sea Salt is beneficial for anti allergic due to its cleansing, detoxifying of the skin together with providing smoothness and relaxation. Using BOKEK - Dead Sea Salt is recommended for relief of allergic symptoms affecting the skin.

Psoriasis:Psoriasis is a common skin condition affecting 3% of the world population.
The nature of psoriasis is to afflict the sufferer with scaly areas of the scalp, palms, soles of the feet, knees, elbows and other areas sustaining repeated trauma. The condition is unpleasant to look at and embarrassing for the sufferers.
Psoriasis is hereditary and there is no known cure for it.
Treatments include various ointments usually containing corticosteroids, or injections into the dermis of the skin. Medications used to control the condition are not always successful and usually have adverse side effects.
Studies carried out at the Dead Sea have showed positive results in lengthening the duration of remission and has been recommended as an alternative treatment for the condition. The studies have included both exposure to the environment and subdued UV rays at the Dead Sea itself together with soaking in Dead Sea mineral baths. Although it is not possible to take the Dead Sea into ones home, BOKEK Pure Dead Sea bath salts do offer a good home therapy simulating the Balneo and Peloid therapies. In this way, the skin is assisted in eliminating toxins, regenerating new cells, increased circulation and general body purification.
It is important to note that contact with ones doctor is still imperative.

Arthritic Disorders:There are 1000 or more different types of arthritic or rheumatological conditions known today. Of these some are inflammatory in nature and some are acquired e.g. osteoarthritis is linked to mechanical overuse of certain joints. Some of the conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, poly arthritis, psoriatic arthritis (a combination of psoriasis and arthritis) ankylosing spondylosis, systemic lupus erathematosis, and more. The cause for these conditions is as yet unknown and there is no known cure for them using conventional or allopathic medicine.
Various studies have taken place at the Dead Sea using treatment programs combining the atmosphere of the Dead Sea with the Dead Sea mineral baths (balneotherapy) with good results. Of particular interest is that heating the mud and applying to sore or inflamed joints has proven to eliminate stiffness and pain. This is due to the minerals improving blood circulation necessary to reduce the inflammatory response, together with the detoxifying agent and general muscle relaxant. When the salt has been heated, the ability of the elements to penetrate and be absorbed into the system is increased.

Atopic Dermatitis / Eczema:Patients with atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis; neurodermitis) form the second largest group of people who use BOKEK™ Dead Sea Salt for dermatological treatment.
Atopic dermatitis is chronic skin disease of unknown cause with the following main characteristics:
1. Severe itching. This is an inherent aspect of the disease. Most of the visible skin changes are due to the persistent scratching.
2. Frequently starts in early infancy. In the early stages the lesions are usually acute, "weeping" and crusted. Later, the skin becomes thickened with an exaggeration of its natural lines ("lichenification"). This occurs especially in the folds of the knees and elbows, and on the wrists, ankles and neck.
3. A sensitive, reactive skin. The skin is dry, easily irritated by mechanical or chemical stimuli and tends to become allergic to external, ingested or inhaled substances (e.g. pollens, bee stings, house dust, foods, drugs). It is more prone to some bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Psychological and climatic factors sometimes play a dominant role in exacerbating or soothing the disease.
4. A family history of Atophy. Atophy is a genetic susceptibility to certain diseases, which include atopic dermatitis, asthma and hay fever. The blood of atopic individuals usually has high levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin E, or IgE.
Results of Dead Sea Salt TreatmentClearing is usually good to excellent, and for many sufferers undoubtedly exceeds that achieved by other therapies. The severe itching frequently subsides relatively early, even if the skin has not yet shown much response. The process is usually slower and less dramatic than with psoriasis, and for many patients treatment for 6 rather than 4 weeks may be more effective.

Hair Loss:Hair loss is a common occurrence of daily life with up to 100 hairs a day being regarded as normal. However, when the quantity increases it becomes an understandable cause for concern.
The incidence of Hair loss is as much as 4 out of 5 people as some stage of their lives.
There are many causes listed as to why hair loss occurs, including: heredity, stress and trauma, local scalp infection, certain diseases or infections which result in a high fever e.g. flu, pneumonia or typhoid; certain mediations e.g. antibiotics, contraceptives, blood thinning drugs, certain antipsychotic drugs; thyroid medication or strong drugs, chemical therapies e.g. those used for cancer treatments; thyroid problems; emotional or environmental stress; hormonal imbalances; following child birth as the hormones change; menopause. Iron deficiency anemia and lupus can also cause hair loss.
In the body, a compound called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), made up of water, cholesterol, testosterone and an enzyme can have an adverse effect on the growth receptors in the hair follicle. It can cause the tiny blood vessels in the papilla to shrink, restricting food and oxygen to the matrix that produces hair protein. DHT also blocks certain receptors in the sebaceous gland, which then can produce a heavy sebum that later hardens in the follicle to form a hard deposit. The hair restricted in both areas atrophies and falls out prematurely. The cycle repeats itself until the follicle is only capable of producing a short hair, that falls out and the follicle itself atrophies. This is then the sad state, which we term as baldness. It is important to note the pattern of hair fall and quantity over what time period to assist in determining if there is an illness causing the hair loss. Typically hair loss is preceded by an excessive production of sebum from the glands known as seborrhea. Sebum is secreted naturally by the body from the ages of 16 or 18, however when the quantities of sebum secreted become excessive, the hair follicle has difficulty breathing and producing healthy hair, resulting in the hair falling out.
Baldness in men is noted to be as high as 30 million males in the USA. Female baldness is less common and usually occurs centrally on the head. Women usually only develop balding after cancer treatments, when experiencing hormonal changes as in during adrenal or ovarian growths, menopause or after crash dieting or fasting over an extended period of time.
By using BOKEK Dead Sea Salt in cleansing the scalp, it improves the hair follicles ability to allow hair to growth. This in turn helps reduces hair loss.

General Stress:Stress has become one of those buzzwords typical of the modern times we live in. It is typically seen as being a negative conjuring up images of difficulty, chaos etc. Stress in actual fact is the body’s response to any situation that necessitates change of one form or another, both negative and positive. It is the trigger or motivator to move forward, act or react to a given set of circumstances. Without stress our lives would stagnate.
So if we need stress in order to progress in life, why the focus on the negative impact of stress on our lives?
Emu Oil used with Dead Sea Salt has many added benefits. You can find it at the following link.

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